NEXUS / ASTRAIA live at the FMF World Congress

After two long years, the - usually annual - FMF World Congress could finally take place again end of June 2022. It is one of the most important events of the year for the international community of prenatal medicine. For five days, world-leading experts and young researchers will present and discuss the latest developments in fetal medicine and prenatal care.

Traditionally, the congress takes place somewhere around the Mediterranean Sea. This year we met on the beautiful island of Crete, in the home country of patron Prof. Kypros Nicolaides. It was a great setting for a happy reunion with old friends, customers and partners. We were particularly pleased about the many new and interesting contacts. A personal meeting in this intensive constellation simply cannot be replaced by digital meetings.

We also had a lot of new things to present. In addition to product highlights, such as the diagnostic modules and astraia.neurosonography, the add-ons for maternity wards and numerous further developments, a lot has also happened internally at astraia. The change of name to NEXUS / ASTRAIA GmbH in connection with the new and fresher look was received with curiosity and delight. Our new members of the astraia family also passed the "FMF baptism" with flying colors and enjoyed the atmosphere of this special event.

Even if the social supporting program and the reunion with friends from all over the world are an essential part of the congress, the scientific program is the focus. It made us particularly proud to see many of our customers on the list of speakers and discussants. Some of them we have been following for years (or even since the beginning of their careers) and are amazed how they bring our motto to live: FROM SCIENCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE.
Now we look forward to further discussions and incorporating the results of the best work into our products.

Many thanks to the whole team of the Fetal Medicine Foundation for organizing this extraordinary congress and for the many years of trusting cooperation!

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